I decided to create this web site in an attempt to provide user friendly computer lessons that meet Michigan GLCE's AND are interesting and fun for the students.  I must thank Lois Nickels, Adrian Sobesky, Jennifer Joppie, Mary Campoine, Damon Johnson, Diane Kennedy, Kelly Rector, and Ayrica Bakri for their input and allowing me to copy lessons they created or ideas I borrowed from their lessons and expanded them.

Kentwood in the past has used a couple different professionally written lessons.  Students in general found them to be "dry" and "too professional" to hold their attention or understand why they needed, let alone wanted to do them.  It is my desire to change that.

I will do my best to attempt to achieve this.  I welcome your input but it may or may not be a while before I can implement it into this site.
Sally Hazen
3/17/2011 11:59:52 am

I am very impressed with your websit, Jeanne! the lessons are awesome! I think creating a website for the reasons you stated is a great idea! It makes the lessons very accessible to everybody.


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